Inside Conservation

Inside Conservation is a firm of attorneys that has many years of legal experience dealing with complex personal injury cases. We have helped our clients secure the compensation they need in majority of the cases. We are professional and by your side from start to finish.

Injured At Walmart? The 2022 Walmart Injury Attorney Guide

If you have suffered an injury at Walmart, make sure to read our 2022 Walmart Injury Attorney Guide to gain full clarity of the legal process.
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What Types of Personal Injuries Do People Suffer in Walmart?

Many people have suffered different kinds of personal injuries in Walmart. Here are some of the most common causes:

Slip & Fall

Slip & Fall typically occurs due to wet floors. The tiles may be faulty or the carpeting may not have been up to standards. We can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Delivery Drivers

Walmart delivery drivers can often be in a hurry and display negligence in the course of the performance of their work. If you have suffered injuries due to a Walmart delivery driver, you can be entitled to a hefty compensation.

Poor Maintenance

Walmart is required to provide a safe and well-maintained space for shopping. If you have suffered injuries due to poor maintenance of the shelves, floors or lights, you can be entitled for compensation.

Claims Against Walmart !

Our attorneys have tremendous experience dealing with the Walmart claims department. They can share their experience with you and help you get mentally prepared.

What To Do If You Have An Accident At Walmart

If you had an accident at Walmart, there are some major things that you need to perform in order to sue Walmart right away.

Here are the steps that you need to follow quickly after the accident in order to have a strong case in the court:

Seek Medical Attention Immediately.

File Walmart Insurance Claim

After An Injury Do Not Talk To Walmart

Don’t Wait

Injuries To Walmart Employees

Are you a Walmart employee that has suffered an injury and isn’t receiving compensation from Walmart? Get in touch with us and we can help you with your Walmart workers comp claim!

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Golden Arches, Not So Golden Experiences

Golden Arches, Not So Golden Experiences: McDonald’s Accident Settlements Uncovered

The Glittering Façade of the Golden Arches

As familiar a sight as the Stars and Stripes, the golden arches of McDonald’s have, for decades, represented the quintessence of American fast food. They’re an emblem of delectable convenience, a beacon of comfort food, beckoning the weary traveler, the harried parent, and the ravenous teen with promises of instant culinary gratification. Yet, beneath the gleaming allure of those iconic arches lies a less appetizing tale; a saga of accidents and subsequent settlements that would give anyone pause.

Safety on the Back Burner

Despite its global presence and staggering profits, McDonald’s has been repeatedly accused of neglecting safety measures, resulting in accidents ranging from minor mishaps to life-altering catastrophes. Shockingly, these are not isolated incidents but a recurrent pattern of negligence. The negligence oftentimes results in personal injuries that lead to lawsuits, and ultimately, hefty settlements.

A History of Negligence

In what has become a notorious case, Liebeck v. McDonald’s Restaurants, an elderly woman sustained third-degree burns after spilling McDonald’s scalding coffee on her lap. The burns covered 6% of her body, including her thighs, buttocks, and groin… and she was hospitalized for eight days. The case spotlighted McDonald’s negligence in serving dangerously hot coffee.

But if you think that’s an isolated case, think again! A slew of similar lawsuits have followed, revealing a disconcerting pattern of carelessness.

The Cold Hard Numbers

While exact figures are often kept confidential, there’s no denying the fact that McDonald’s has paid out millions in accident settlements. These settlements, it’s worth mentioning, aren’t just about offering compensation to victims… They also serve to shield McDonald’s from the damaging publicity of a drawn-out court case.

Personal Injury Claims

Many of the cases brought against McDonald’s involve personal injury claims. These can be the result of a variety of incidents, such as:

  • Slip and fall accidents – Caused by wet floors, poor lighting, or hazardous conditions.
  • Burn injuries – From scalding beverages, hot food, or faulty equipment.
  • Food poisoning – Due to contaminated or improperly cooked food.
  • Assaults – Resulting from inadequate security measures.

These types of accidents can lead to significant physical and emotional trauma, and often result in substantial medical expenses.

The Role of Personal Injury Lawyers

When such incidents occur, victims often turn to personal injury lawyers for help. These legal professionals specialize in securing compensation for those who have been injured due to the negligence of others.

McDonald’s Injury Settlements

Navigating the complex world of personal injury law can be daunting. But with the right legal representation, victims can successfully secure the compensation they deserve.

Law firms have a wealth of experience in handling McDonald’s Slip and Fall Settlements. They comprehensively understand the intricacies of these cases and have a proven track record of holding large corporations like McDonald’s accountable for their negligence.

A Closer Look at Settlements

While each case is unique, the settlement amount typically depends on the severity of the injuries, the extent of negligence, and the specific circumstances of the accident.

For instance, in the infamous Liebeck case, the jury initially awarded the victim $2.7 million in punitive damages. However, the amount was later reduced to $640,000.

A Word of Caution

While it may be tempting to take on a giant corporation single-handedly, it’s important to remember that these companies have a team of skilled lawyers at their disposal. Therefore, it’s crucial to secure competent legal representation to ensure a fair fight.


As we unravel the less savory side of those golden arches, it becomes clear that convenience and neglect can be two sides of the same coin. But remember, if you or a loved one has been injured due to the negligence of McDonald’s, you don’t have to face the fight alone.

Walmart Injury Lawsuits

How to Sue Walmart: Guide to Walmart Injury Lawsuits

Walmart is one of the world’s most popular and successful chain of stores. It is available in 24 countries and offers a wide range of products. If you find yourself in an incident that causes you personal injury within a Walmart store, you may be entitled to compensation from Walmart.

You can sue them for breach of duty, and if you are a Walmart employee that suffered a personal injury, you can even be entitled to receive a workers’ compensation claim. Before you sue Walmart, you can consider going for mediation or arbitration. If these methods fail, you can take them to court. This guide to Walmart injury lawsuits will provide clarity to the process. Read on to learn more.

Maintain the Relevant Records

The first thing you need to focus on is creating and maintaining the relevant records. Documentation is vital in cases involving personal injury. Right after the incident involving personal injury, you should go for medical treatment at a reputed hospital and seek documentation from the doctors. You should have a record of all the medical expenses incurred.

When you go to the court, you will be required to explain how the accident has affected you in your everyday life. Hence, it is important to make notes and provide a detailed picture. This will help you get a higher amount of damages successfully.

Maintain the Relevant Records

It is also wise to ask the witnesses of the accident to back you up and stay in touch with them. You will want to take plenty of clear photographs of the place where the accident took place. The photographs must clearly display how Walmart was negligent. You can also get a copy of the surveillance tape from Walmart. They are required to give it to you compulsorily.

Get in Touch With a Good Lawyer

Next, you will need to get in touch with a reputed personal injury lawyer and provide them with the relevant information. At this stage, it is best not to speak to the Walmart staff directly. It is best to let your lawyer speak on your behalf and let them prepare and serve the papers.

Good Lawyer

Your personal injury lawyer should provide you with a clear picture of the case process at this stage. In addition, they should give you an idea of how much your case is worth. Also, keep in mind that Walmart is known for its highly trained attorneys and abundance of resources, and it is popular for its fierce defense stance. Hence, you will need a highly qualified lawyer that knows how to go against them and get you the compensation that you deserve.

File Your Lawsuit as Soon as Possible

When it comes to personal injury cases, quick action is ideal. It is important to be aware of the statute of limitations in your particular state and involve the witnesses in the case when the matter is still fresh.

Suing Walmart in Small Claims Court!

We have worked on many cases in small claims court, especially against Walmart.